Pakistan Medical Laboratory Association is a unique forum of pathology professionals ( Pathologist, Technologists & Technicians ) in Pakistan, started to work in 2014 as a joint forum of pathology community
Number of seminars, vebinars, Conferences, Exhibitions conducted with the help of National & International business partners whom bread & butter is attached with each other providing B2B media networking for the betterment of this cultivated diagnostic field
Actually PMLA believes that Laboratory medicine plays an increasingly essential role in modern healthcare systems, since it is integral to most care pathways and plays an essential role for optimizing patient flow, harmonizing procedures before and after analysis, improving harmonization and containing unnecessary testing. Nevertheless, recent changes in the nature of laboratory services, promoted by innovation and introduction of more complex testing in emerging diagnostic fields, more advanced diagnostics along with other “internal” and “external” drivers, will promote a paradigmatic transformation of current scenario’s.
Because we think that the future of laboratory professionals remains hence uncertain, and is seems obvious that the role and figure of laboratory scientists and professionals shall evolve. We are hence proposing this 10-point “manifesto”, which is aimed to encourage a new vision of the future of this discipline and should help supporting the development of a new generation of laboratory professionals and leaders, who shall be able to integrate specific technical and administrative skills with a broader vision of health care and patients needs.